LT1 - ...... Gandalf on Shadowfax

LT2 - Aragorn at Helm's Deep

LT3 - Legolas at Helm's Deep

LT4 - Gimli at Helm's Deep

LT5 - Gamling the old

LT6 ...... - Theoden, King of the Mark

LT7 - Erkenbrand of Westfold

LT8 - Rohir spearman

LT9 - Isengard Orc with scimitar

LT10 - Isengard Orc archer

LT11 - Hama Guerrier Rohirrim

LT12 - Dunlending chief

LT13 - half orcs

LT14 - Dunlundings

LT15 - Grimbold, Rohirim warrior